I've been a fan of personality tests for awhile now. When I heard about this book written by Anne Bogle of Modern Mrs. Darcy and What Should I Read Next fame, I was really excited to read it. This book did such a good job of explaining the many different ways to figure out your personality type and talked about all the different angles that this task can be approached. It was a great deep dive into this area that I realized that I was only skimming on the surface until now. I learned so much, and now am able to apply it to my real life. It got me really thinking about other people that I interact with on a daily basis and how their personality could effect their thoughts and actions. I now understand why certain people do things the way they do a little more! I would definitely recommend this book to those who want an easy to understand approach to personality types, that is delivered in an informative, interesting, and fun way.
Of course I also had to take the reading personality test offered on Anne's blog...it combined two of my favorite things! I was labeled the Escapist, which sounded spot on to me. The best part was after I took the test, I got a list of recommended books geared to my reading personality. I had actually already read a few and liked them. The rest did look interesting, so I immediately put them on my hold list at the library. Will check in later once I read them to see how they worked out. If you want to take the reading personality test yourself click here. I would love to hear your results in the comments below.
Reading People is released on September 19. If you preorder, before that date from your preferred retailer, you get two bonuses.... a free download of the audio version and access to Anne's Reading Personality Class, which explores the types from her personality quiz in more depth. Go to ReadingPeopleBook.com

I was chosen to be on the Launch Team for the book, and was given an advanced book from the publisher in return for my honest feedback. All opinions are my own.