Thursday, September 19, 2013

Improve the House List

I mentioned here about the current state of my house. It's a mess. So I made a plan to improve the house. I hope to spend about 1-2 weeks on each room, but we will has a nasty habit of getting in the way sometimes.

So this is the plan...

Boy's Room
-Clean up closet
-Tidy desk
-Identify out-grown clothing

Master Bedroom
-Get rid of piles of papers
-Order new TV stand
-Get accessories to decorate the room
-De-clutter the closets
-Find art for the room

Living Room
-Make slip covers for the couch and chairs

-Get rid of the clutter
-Designate space for everything
-Tidy up the kid's cubbies
-Organize toys/bags/sports equipment

-Make curtains
-Clean out cabinets
-Organize pantry
-Find designated place for mail and other paperwork
-Edit pencils and pens
-Clean out bins of paper

Dining Area
-Add new light fixture and buffet table

Family room
-De-clutter all toys
-Organize desk area
-Decide what board games are really played with
-Add any needed decorations
-Put pictures back up

Wow that is a long list! But I need to do it. I am keeping my focus on how great my house will look once I am done.  It will be so organize that I will know where everything is at all times! A girl can dream. I will keep everyone updated as I progress.

I can't wait to start checking off these boxes.

What rooms need improvement in your house?

Check out the link up at Not Just a Housewife, and I Heart Organizing.

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